Is AI scary?

Eyal Dechter · January 30, 2013

In today's New York Times, Huw Price, professor of philosophy at Cambridge, writes about the need for considering the potential dangers associated with a possible "singularity." The singularity is the idea, I guess, that if people create machines that are smarter than people then those machines would be smart enough to create machines smarter than themselves, etc., and that there would be an exponential explosion in artificial intelligence. Price suggests that whether or not the singularity is likely enough to warrant study in its own right, it is the possible danger associated with it that makes it important.

I'm not remotely worried about this. As someone who has been toiling away for many months at creating an artificial intelligence algorithm that has something evolutionary about it, I feel that my pessimism (or, optimism, as Price calls it) is informed. But rather than try to explain why I'm pessimistic, I thought I would present and react to only one point that Price makes. He writes:

biology got us onto this exalted peak in the landscape, the tricks are all there for our inspection: most of it is done with the glop inside our skulls. Understand that, and you understand how to do it artificially, at least in principle. Sure, it could turn out that there’s then no way to improve things – that biology, despite all the constraints, really has hit some sort of fundamental maximum. Or it could turn out that the task of figuring out how biology did it is just beyond us, at least for the foreseeable future (even the remotely foreseeable future). But again, are you going to bet your grandchildren on that possibility?

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